Invest in Survivors
Invest in Survivors
Invest in Survivors
Your monthly giving will support our organization in attaining and maintaining sustainability to expand the quality and accessibility of our survivor care offerings across the nation and globe!
Reclamation Collective is a 501(c)(3), non-profit organization
(EIN: 84-2389653).
Donations provided to the Reclamation Collective allow us to offer supportive and accessible services to those impacted by adverse religious experiences, as well as continue to provide our facilitators compensation that honors their unique expertise and identities.
Thank you for your generosity and support of the Reclamation Collective!
Make a Donation to the Reclamation Collective:
If you would like to make a donation by check or would like to make a non-monetary contribution, please email the RC at: reclamationcollective@gmail.com
Checks can be mailed to us at:
Reclamation Collective
1769 Lexington Ave N
PO Box #231
Roseville, MN 55113